Monique Weston Art Jewelry
Rocker Earrings with Blue Guitars

Rocker Earrings with Blue Guitars


Guitaristas are back! I haven’t made these in a year, couldn’t get the right clock-hands, so I’ve redesigned them a bit. These are made with camera-flash reflectors, guitar-picks, clock-hands, vintage Russian watch-faces, and watch-gears. They’re very light, and about 3” in length. If there's a guitar color you'd like me to make, I can most likely make it work!
#rocker #guitarist #guitarista #chords #rockandroll #band #garageband #guitarband #greatguitarist #bassist #bringyouraxe #jacopastorius #bass #electricbass #fretboard #alexlifeson #geddylee #fender #gibson #guitarstrings #dobro #nancywilson #litaford #joanjett #bonnieraitt #aimeemann #sisterrosettatharpe #tinaweymouth #bassista

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